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Congrats to Dr. Parul Mehta & Dr. Nirav Shah

Congrats to Dr. Parul Mehta & Dr. Nirav Shah of Baltimore, MD (USA) on the birth of their daughter Mira on March 25 2006.

Mira's grandparents are Suvarnaben & Gopalbhai Shah and Deviben & Dr. Ashwin Mehta, all of Baltimore.

Comments (1)

Praful Bhatt:

NAGAR convey their heartiest congrats to proud parents Dr. Parul Mehta & Dr. Nirav Shah on the birth of their daughter Mira Mehta Shah on March 25, 2006. NAGAR further convey congrats to their proud grand parents Deviben & Dr. Ashwin Mehta, and Suvarnaben & Gopalbhai Shah, of Baltimore, Maryland.

NAGAR welcome our youngest member in our Nagar Parivar with lots of love & best wishes.

Praful Bhatt, for

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